The following links take you to websites dealing with Reformational, or neo-Calvinist, thought. Many of them provide free online books and other texts: |
This site contains downloadable audio files containing lectures by Francis Schaeffer, Hans Rookmaaker, and others associated with L'Abri |
This is available through a co-sponsored project of the Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary and the Historical Documentation Center for Dutch Protestantism 1800 to the present) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
This site provides numerous links and resources to contemporary Reformational scholars and writers. It contains a large number of online publications and links to other websites. |
This site contains information about the second generation of neo-Calvinists working in the tradition of Abraham Kuyper. It also hosts the Thinknet online discussion group. |
This is a Christian think tank that takes a neo-Calvinist approach to political and social issues. |
A Reformational think tank based at Calvin College. |
Founded by Abraham Kuyper in 1880, the Vrije Universiteit, or VU, is one of the leading universities in the Netherlands. It offers a variety of programs in English although only the Philosophy Faculty seems to retain Kuyper's neo-Calvinist vision. |
This is a highly provocative site by Dr. Glen Friesen which contains many interesting articles and translations. |
A very useful, if somewhat overwhelming, website from Andrew Basden at the University of Salford, UK. |
This site contains a large number of neo-Calvinist, or Reformational, books in pdf format. |
A Canadian Reformational educational institute and think tank that publishes various books and newsletters. |
The academic journal founded by Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven in 1935. Many of its articles may be purchased online from its archive. |
An interdisciplinary journal founded in 1935. "The subtitle, Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, proclaims its Christian basis, but it leaves room for justified differences in opinion and discussion." Since 2001 it has been available online through Sabnet. |
All text and graphics onUnderstanding World Religions are protected by copyright, 1995, 199, 2011. Permission to reproduce material found on this Web Site must be obtained from the appropriate copyright owner. World religions graphic by Christopher Tobias from Irving Hexham's Understanding World Religions, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2012, and Roberta Polfus, from the Concise Dictionary of Religion, InterVarsity Press, Carol Stream, 1994.