Understanding Christianity |
Click on one of the topic headings below to go to the topic's webpage |
Most of these resources come from the Internet Archive but are often hard to find unless you know exactly what to look for |
Read R. F. Weymouth's The New Testament in Modern Speach. |
You can also download or read online C. K. Chestrton's classic work Orthodoxy: |
Read the Authorized, or King James, version of the Bible.
If you want to know what the New Testament is all about you can do no better than reading the commentaries of William Barclay (1907-1978) who was a Scottish professor of theology at the University of Glasgow. Many of them are available online: |
This website is under construction. More materials will be added soon.

A copy of the more modern New Revised Standard version of the Bible is available from a church source here, but we are unsure of its copyright status. Other modern Bible translations are under copyright. |
Download his Gospel of Matthew Volume One and Volume Two: |
Download as a pdf file William Barclay's A Book of Everyday Prayer: |
Download as a pdf Griffith Thomas' basic work Christianity is Christ: |

Other books by William Barclay are avialable for temporary download or reading online from the open library. |
Discover the
Christian Year |
To learn about Christian art by visiting Artway |
Now visit our other webpages on World Religions |
Visit the Vogelstein Press Website |
This website was first created in 2011 as a basic website. It was extensively revised to the extent that it became a new website in 2014. At that time new sections of various world religions, links to classic texts, the sections on worldviews and the extended sections on Christianity were added. All texts and graphics on Understanding World Religions are protected by copyright, 1995, 199, 2011, 2014.Permission to reproduce material found on this Web Site must be obtained from the appropriate copyright owner. World religions graphic by Christopher Tobias from Irving Hexham's Understanding World Religions, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Concise Dictionary of Religion, InterVarsity Press, Carol Stream, 1994. |