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Research Ethics and Academic Fraud
Anthropology Academic Fraud History Logic and Rhetoric       Media Sources Research Methods Sociology
Over the past twenty-five year resaerch ethics have become an increasingly important aspect of any research concerning human subjects. While much of this is good there are downsides. First, most research ethics are framed on the basis of medical research and exagerate the dangers of resrearch to the subjects. Second, they are falsely presented as a response to Nazi crimes. In fact, as Robert J: Proctor has pointed out the Nazis had a strict code of research ethics which shows that they can be manipulated to produce evil results. Third, the potential for research ethics to create new forms of censorship and destroy academic freedom is overlooked. Finally, research ethics rarely address the issue of academic fraud. The materials presented here are intended to create debate about the nature and purpose of research ethics while encouraging ethical behaviour.
The plague of plagiarism How real is the problem of plagiarism? The high cost of plagiarism
Robert J. Proctor, Nazi Science and Nazi Medical Ethics, from Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 43:3, Spring 2000:335-397. This article is online.
  Paul Oslington, Why Ethics Committees Are Unethical  

The problem of academic fraud:
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professional ethics

Emile Durkheim
Professional Ethics

methodology in the social sciences

Max Weber, Methodology of the Social Sciences and Politics as Vocation

  Will C. van den Hoonaard



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All texts and graphics on Understanding World Religions are protected by copyright, 1995, 199, 2011. Permission to reproduce material found on this Web Site must be obtained from the appropriate copyright owner. World religions graphic by Christopher Tobias from Irving Hexham's Understanding World Religions, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2012, and Roberta Polfus, from the Concise Dictionary of Religion, InterVarsity Press, Carol Stream, 1994.