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On this section of the website some key texts on research and writing are recommended. You can obtained them over the Internet either for free or for a relatively low price. As far as possible we also recommend older works that are available for free as supplementary texts that students can use in developing their reserach skills.

In addition to using correct methods students need to learn to write both clearly and according to established academic practice. Below are some works that help with that task.

readable writing Walter Pauk How to Study in College write on

The Art of Readable Writing

This is a very helpful book full of good advice by the Dean of American journalism Rudolf Flesch.

How to Study in College

Walter Pauk has provided students with
a wonderful OED

Write On! A Reference Guide for Student Research and Writing

The University of Calgary's Tom Flanagan has created a great short, but very useful resource for students.


Various guides about how to write and provide references for academic papers are found below:

The Harvard System of references

The Chicago system of referencing

Turabian's reference system

The Turabian tutor

The Chicago-Turabian style

Studies in Religion Style guide

Saundra Lipton's: ReligiousStudies Research Guide

Irving Hexham:

Academic Plagiarism Defined - the plague of plagiarism

Forget about Academic Fraud - were you sexually harassed?

The Tyranny of Theory

The University of Calgary History Department's:

Guide to writing essays How to write book reviews

Rodney Stark:

On How to Write - used with permission of the author

Writing a book review

Brief notes on research methods

Recognizing academic bias

Kolapo's guide to writing essays

University of Edinburgh dissertation guidelines

Read the footnotes


All text and graphics onUnderstanding World Religions are protected by copyright, 1995, 199, 2011. Permission to reproduce material found on this Web Site must be obtained from the appropriate copyright owner. World religions graphic by Christopher Tobias from Irving Hexham's Understanding World Religions, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2012, and Roberta Polfus, from the Concise Dictionary of Religion, InterVarsity Press, Carol Stream, 1994.