Articles by Ninian Smart:
Inaugural Address: The Principles and Meaning of the Study of Religion
Exorgral address: Religious studies and some contradictions in Mrs Thatcher's policies 22 June 1989
The Meaning of and Meaning in Religion
© Ninian Smart

Articles by Fred B. Welbourn:
Towards Eliminating the Concept of Religion
God and Gods
The Idea of a High God in Three African Societies
Towards a definition of religion
An empirical approach to ghosts
A Sacral Kingship in Buganda?
© F.B. Welbourn
The publication of previously published academic articles is limited by the fact tham many journals retain the copyright and insist that anyone wanting to read them must either use an institutional source or pay to read the article.
Support Open Source publishing for academic journals.
The holding of copyright by publishing companies for articles that were not paid for in the first place ought to be limited to ten years at the most.

Articles by Irving Hexham:
The mythic foundation of National Socialism. From Koers (Direction). This is an open source online journal. You may have to login to read the article, but it is free.
Tom Paine's Age of Reason and modern unbelief. From Global Journal of Classic Theology This is an open source online journal.
Bibliography - Christianity and Apartheid this was first published in The Reformed Journal whidh went out of print years ago.
African Religions and the Nature of Religious Studies published in a book which is long out of print. As far as is known Irving Hexham owns the copyright.
The Tyranny of Theory - buy the book where this article first appeared from Steiner-Verlag
Is Scientology a Religion published on Irving Hexham's website
Lord of the Sky- King of the Earth. The Zulu High God
Published in Studies in Religion
Vol. 10 No. 3, 1981:273-285. Institutional and other types of log-in are available here
© Irving Hexham

Articles by Karla Poewe:
Poewe and Urlich van der Heyden: The Berlin Mission Society and its Theology: The Bapedi Mission Church
and the Independent Bapedi Lutheran Church originally published in the South African Historical Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1999. This is a Taylor and Francis publication which is online. For other articles in this journal see The South African Historical Journal's website.
© Karla Poewe and Ulrich van der Heyden
Articles by Jeremy Hexham
The changing face of American conpassion: ethnicity, religion, and worldview conflicts. Vol. 75:4,769-786. From Koers (Direction). This is an open source online journal. You may have to login to read the article, but it is free.