Welcome to the Understanding World Religions Website which contians many free open educational resources on religion |
The this website provides basic information about the major world religions. It has three main sections containing open source books that can be downloaded as free pdf files. The first, introduces Irving Hexham's books and several basic works on specific religions. The second contians webpages on specific world religions, anti-religious thought, and worldviews. The third, provides information about Christian history and beliefs as a background to the study other world religions. There is also a small section classic studies of world religions. |
Encountering World Religions (25 May 2019) gives a Christian response to other world religions. Your can order it from amazon.com or amazon.ca
This website also contains links to academic articles, audio presentations, information about world religions courses, internet links, journals, news sources, religion statistic. research methods, study guides, and videos.
Download a free pdf copy of The Concise Dictionary of Religion (1993) provides basic information and technical terms about various world religions.

Understanding World Religions (2011) is an academic style introductory textbook. You can order it from amazon.com or amazon.ca
Now download a free pdf copy of Fred Welbourn's classic work Atoms and Ancestors. Permission to use given by Dr. Hebe Welbourn:

Now visit the African religions webpage |
Find out about the interaction between Buddhism and Chinese culture. Read Sinicizing Buddhism order it from amazon.com or amazon.ca |
Download a free copy pdf of Edward Conze's Buddhism: Its Essence and Development: |
Watch some short UWR videos |
Now visit the webpages on Buddhism |
In 2012 Understanding World Religions won a Christianity Today book award. It has also received some excellent reviews and endorsements by leading scholars. |
Download a free pdf copy of Tom Paine's anti-religious classic The Age of Reason: |
Download: a free pdf copy of Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe's Understanding Cults and New Religions: |

Now visit the cults and new religions webpages
Download a free pdf of J.N. Farquhar's The Religious Quest of India on the Hindu tradition:
Download a free pdf copy of Israel Abrahams, Judaism: |
Download a free pdf copy of Syed Abul A'Ala Mawdudi's Let Us Be Muslims:
Now visit the Hindu tradition webpages |
Now visit the Judaism webpages |
Now visit the Islam webpaged
Read Hasting's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethicswhich remains a valuable resource:
This website is under construction. Other webpages for specific religions like the Sikhs will be added when time allows.



Now visit the Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias of Religion webpage |
Visit the Vogelstein Press Website |
This website was first created in 2011 as a basic website. It was extensively revised to the extent that it became a new website in 2014. At that time new sections of various world religions, links to classic texts, the sections on worldviews and the extended sections on Christianity were added. All texts and graphics on Understanding World Religions are protected by copyright, 1995, 199, 2011, 2014.Permission to reproduce material found on this Web Site must be obtained from the appropriate copyright owner. World religions graphic by Christopher Tobias from Irving Hexham's Understanding World Religions, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Concise Dictionary of Religion, InterVarsity Press, Carol Stream, 1994. |